
(To browse my blog posts on climate change, please click here.)

This is a compilation of things I intend to do to contribute my share of climate action. Please note:

  • This list is a result of my ongoing learning, researching, and reading. It is by no means complete, and I will continue to add items to it, as well as the resources and rationale for the actions.
  • I form the list based on my personal circumstances and needs, which means not every single item is applicable to others. I make this list available on my blog with the hopes of getting my friends to join me in adopting some of the changes that make the most sense to them.
  • This list aims to map out ideas for becoming better advocates for and practitioners of climate action, not to prescribe strict rules that tolerate no deviation.
  • The action items are mere suggestions to get the ball rolling (remember, one individual doesn’t change the whole planet). Achieving most, let alone all, of the items of course does not ascertain the recovery of the planet. It is futile to aim for perfection.


  1. Work in the climate industry, with a focus on climate education and communication
  2. Initiate or advocate for a climate action plan at work; engage management and colleagues
  3. Join or support a climate/environmental group at work
  4. Take a course (or several) on climate change and/or sustainability
  5. Host a monthly climate book club
  6. Write a blog featuring my experience with taking climate action
  7. Write and submit articles on climate change to local publications and media platforms
  8. Interview people who are directly affected by climate change to know their stories and experiences

Civic & Advocacy

  1. Join a local climate action group
  2. Campaign for a party or politicians with strong climate agenda
  3. Contact local authorities to urge strong climate commitment
  4. Contact businesses and manufacturers to urge more climate-friendly products and services
  5. Participate in as climate marches, strikes, protests
  6. Contact media institutions to request more climate news coverage and sharing of opinions
  7. Read and explore local and national climate policies and agenda
  8. Read and explore international accords and protocols on climate change
  9. Attend climate policy-related events (e.g., COP) to support international policymaking
  10. Join panels and give talks about climate action, where possible
  11. Boycott corporations with high emissions and poor sustainability practices


  1. Fly long haul at most 2 times per year (one round-trip)
  2. Replace 80% of annual short haul flights with alternative transportation (preferably trains and electric coaches)
  3. Take public transit as one of the default modes of transport
  4. Opt to walk any distances shorter than 3 km (~30 minutes)
  5. Opt to bike any distances shorter than 7.5 km (~30 minutes)
  6. Opt for carpooling and ride-shares instead of solo driving
  7. Use an electric or hybrid car
  8. Advocate for pedestrian- and bike-friendly urban planning and policies
  9. Advocate for electrified public transit investments and policies
  10. Advocate for telepresence and teleconferencing in international work meetings and conferences
  11. Purchase Gold Standard carbon offsets if flying is non-negotiable

Energy (electricity, heating)

  1. Set up a rooftop solar energy system for lighting, water heating, cooking
  2. Advocate for neighborhood solar system, if applicable
  3. Advocate for local and municipal switch to clean energy sources, if applicable
  4. In the winter, wear layers and minimize the use of heaters
  5. Invest in good insulation for home (i.e., high performance glass)
  6. Advocate for green roofs for heat moderation
  7. Advocate for automation systems in buildings (i.e., switching lights and heating off automatically)
  8. Audit energy leaks or inefficiencies around home
  9. Use an electrical high-efficiency heat pump
  10. Use a smart thermostat, if applicable
  11. Optimize fridge and freezer settings
  12. Use an electric stove instead of a gas stove
  13. Use only LED lighting
  14. If purchasing appliances, opt for certified energy saving products
  15. Use low-flow fixture for faucets
  16. Automate switch-off for water heater
  17. Opt for cold water in laundry and personal use
  18. Wash clothes on short, cold cycles
  19. Hang dry clothes instead of using the dryer
  20. Avoid baths
  21. Use rainwater barrels to hold water for gardening and other uses


  1. Eat mostly plant-based
  2. Eat seasonally
  3. Avoid products from industrialized agriculture (i.e., “big agri”)
  4. Avoid beef and industrially raised meat
  5. Opt for plant-based milk and reduce consumption of dairy products
  6. Grow vegetables in a community garden or a home garden
  7. Set up a food sharing network in the neighborhood
  8. Purchase an appropriate amount of food to avoid food waste
  9. Support food rescue programs and services (e.g., Too Good to Go, Second Life Marche)
  10. Practice good food storage and preserving to avoid food waste
  11. Have a worm compost system
  12. Shop at farmers market and purchase CSA produce
  13. Boycott palm oil and other products that involve destruction of tropical forests
  14. Advocate for regenerative and sustainable agriculture

Shopping & Materials

  1. Prepare experience-based gifts instead of physical/material gifts
  2. Avoid buying poor-quality items (e.g., dollar store products)
  3. Avoid buying personal or cleaning products with toxic ingredients
  4. Thrift clothes, accessories, furniture, household products, etc.
  5. Opt to shop in-person rather than online
  6. Borrow books from the public library or friends, or buy secondhand
  7. Stop buying new clothes altogether
  8. Opt to buy from manufacturers and businesses with climate/sustainability agenda
  9. Advocate for a circular economy and sustainable manufacturing


  1. Set up a waste sorting system at home
  2. Advocate for a local/municipal waste sorting system, if applicable
  3. Learn about local recycling policies and recycle accurately
  4. Use items until they are no longer functional and irreparable
  5. Reuse or up-cycle items or item parts when they are no longer functional
  6. Reduce plastics as much as possible – limit plastic waste to a (small-ish) container per year
  7. Use reusable packaging when shopping – no plastic bags or wrappers
  8. Bring my own reusable cutlery and containers
  9. Avoid disposable plastic water bottle – bring a reusable water bottle
  10. Refuse single-use/disposable items (and if that’s not an option, opt to repurpose them into something else)
  11. Use newspaper for gift packaging
  12. Avoid hotel toiletries while traveling – bring my own
  13. Opt for reusable feminine hygiene products


  1. Open an account at a bank that divests from fossil fuels (and invests in clean energy)
  2. Join renewable energy co-ops and donate money to projects that advance renewable energy
  3. Donate to restore ecosystems that are carbon sinks
  4. Donate to support adaptive plans and resilience projects for vulnerable communities
  5. Donate to support activities and operations of climate activists/organizations


  1. Help plant trees every year
  2. Have a green roof (e.g., rooftop garden)
  3. Initiate or support additional green space in neighborhood
  4. Boycott development projects that repurpose existing green lands

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