UNESCO Zero Waste Campaign

This is a submission to the UNESCO Vietnam Office for a communications (& design) intern position. I didn’t get hired in the end but still quite like these graphics that I made. So why not keep them here? 🙂

A Sight to Lose

Have you seen an image of plastic waste in the ocean, or have you even witnessed it in person? These sights are signs of a crisis of waste buildup spreading to previously pristine environments and habitats of the world. Artificial materials and waste from our everyday life are increasingly present everywhere, affecting the wellbeing of the environment and habitats of species. Vietnam, in particular, is facing worsening challenges with waste. Read through our post for more information on the serious challenge with waste in Vietnam:

So, what can we do?

Come along in our journey towards a cleaner and healthier environment by taking part in UNESCO’s zero-waste campaign. Each week, we will take on a new challenge to commit to the 5Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle ♻️

Each of us is to play a role in this urgent and crucial challenge. Your part in this can ripple out and inspire action in and beyond your community. Join us in the #nomorewaste campaign! 🌏

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